Frequently Asked Question

What happens if a participant gets Covid while on Israel Tour?

Last Updated 2 years ago

Currently anyone testing positive for Covid-19 in Israel needs to self-isolate for a minimum of 5 days. While the participant cannot be in physical contact with other people during this period, the Organisers of Israel Tour will ensure that there is a minimum of two leaders (Madrichim) on call 24/7 and there will be access to an assigned medical professional. In cases where we deem it necessary on welfare grounds (physical or mental), we may ask for a formal commitment that a parent or guardian will join the participant during the isolation period before agreeing that they can participate in the programme. If a participant contracts Covid during Israel Tour, we will make every effort that they can re-join the programme as soon as regulations allow. If their isolation period extends beyond the final date of Israel Tour, UJIA Israel Experience and the tour providers will ensure they are placed on the first available flight out after their isolation period ends and will provide the same level of support throughout the isolation period.

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