Frequently Asked Question

Is financial assistance available?

Last Updated a year ago

At JLGB, we firmly believe that financial limitations should never hinder young Jewish individuals from participating in our enriching activities. We are committed to ensuring that all members can engage in their preferred activities and events.

Our dedicated financial assistance team is available to support any members who may encounter challenges in meeting the costs associated with our weekly groups. Rest assured, this support extends beyond weekly groups and encompasses national camps and various other events. For our Israel and Europe tours, we work in collaboration with the UJIA bursary scheme to provide financial assistance.

If you would like more information about our financial assistance program, we encourage you to reach out to us in complete confidence. Feel free to give us a call at 020 8989 8990 or email us at All enquiries will be handled with the strictest level of confidentiality. We are here to assist you and ensure that no young Jewish person misses out on the incredible opportunities JLGB has to offer.

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