Frequently Asked Question

How much does it cost?

Last Updated a year ago

JLGB is proud to offer a diverse range of engaging experiences at an affordable price!

Here's the exciting news: your first two weeks are on us!

After that, it's just £45 per term, ensuring continued access to an extraordinary line-up of opportunities.

Most of our activities are generously subsidized, providing exceptional value for money. This means that young people can participate in a wide range of activities that they may not have otherwise had the chance to explore. While most costs are covered, it's important to note that there may be some additional expenses for trips and social nights. Rest assured, we will always inform you well in advance, allowing you to plan accordingly.

At JLGB, we are dedicated to keeping costs as low as possible. Our core mission is to ensure that no Jewish young person misses out on any aspect of their JLGB experience. We understand that financial assistance may be needed, and we're here to help. If you would like to discuss financial support confidentially, please don't hesitate to contact our office at 020 8989 8990 or email us at

Discover your nearest group by entering your postcode in the "Get Involved" box located at the top right of this page. For more information, reach out to us today at 020 8989 8990 or email It's time to embark on an unforgettable journey with JLGB!

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